La Vie à Crans-MontanaCrans-Montana Life
Switzerland's Prestige Magazine
N° 86 | Eté - Automne 2024
Vous êtes passionné de sport, de nature, de culture? Vous découvrirez avec cette édition été/automne du magazine La Vie à Crans-Montana que la destination vous permet de vivre pleinement toutes ces passions dans un environnement EXCEPTIONNEL! Vous retiendrez que les événements sportifs ne se comptent plus à Crans- Montana et surtout que des championnats mondiaux sont à venir et à ne pas manquer. Vous retiendrez que sur le plan culturel Crans- Montana offre une palette riche et variée. Des rendez-vous distrayants, prestigieux vous seront proposés en toute intimité, à quelques enjambées seulement de votre lieu de séjour. Vous retiendrez les noms de quelques personnes déterminées, inspirantes, passionnantes, invitant au respect, à l’émerveillement. Retenez bien que Crans-Montana est terre de randonnée, de bike et de golf! Le prochain Omega European Masters de golf aura lieu du 5 au 8 septembre prochains! Je vous souhaite une bonne lecture, un bel été et un bel automne.
Do you love sport, nature, and culture? In this summer/autumn edition of La Vie à Crans-Montana magazine, you will discover that Crans-Montana offers you the opportunity to experience all of these passions to the full, in an EXCEPTIONAL environment! You will learn that there are countless sporting events in Crans-Montana and, above all, that there are world championships on the horizon - not to be missed. Regarding culture, Crans-Montana offers a rich and varied palette. You will be able to enjoy a range of entertaining and prestigious events in complete tranquillity, just a stone’s throw from where you are staying. You will remember the names of some determined, inspiring, and fascinating people, inspiring respect and wonder. Remember that Crans-Montana is the land of hiking, biking, and golf! The next Omega European Masters golf tournament will take place from 5 to 8 September! I hope you enjoy reading this issue, and wish you a wonderful summer and autumn.
Voir le sommaireDo you love sport, nature, and culture? In this summer/autumn edition of La Vie à Crans-Montana magazine, you will discover that Crans-Montana offers you the opportunity to experience all of these passions to the full, in an EXCEPTIONAL environment! You will learn that there are countless sporting events in Crans-Montana and, above all, that there are world championships on the horizon - not to be missed. Regarding culture, Crans-Montana offers a rich and varied palette. You will be able to enjoy a range of entertaining and prestigious events in complete tranquillity, just a stone’s throw from where you are staying. You will remember the names of some determined, inspiring, and fascinating people, inspiring respect and wonder. Remember that Crans-Montana is the land of hiking, biking, and golf! The next Omega European Masters golf tournament will take place from 5 to 8 September! I hope you enjoy reading this issue, and wish you a wonderful summer and autumn.